So, if you put the cover art of last release from Okkervil River above the cover of the newest album, it completes a macabre, melancholy picture that serves as an excellent metaphor for the relationship between the two LPs. The newest effort from Will and company is not so much a new album, but a continuation, or completion to the last. It serves as a beautiful and catharthic climax to tack on to the tail of The Stage Names (2007). But, you don't need to make the comparison to find this record brilliant. From the first listen, Sheff's strained tenor, which serves as the focal point above some awesome guitar/ piano harmony, will pull you in and either make you weep or glow. I find myself biased whenever I attempt to review an Okkervil River album because personally, I feel moved when I hear this band, even coming out of some shitty, stock, laptop speakers. If you don't love this album, then you have no soul.
Conor Oberst- Conor Oberst

Since these LPs leaked at the same time I figured I'd give them a few listens and review them together. I didn't know that I would find myself writing some sort of "Hot and Not" gimmick, but that's the position I'm in right now. I'll start with the only positive thing I could possibly say about this... abomination. Say what you want about how bad this guy's last few records have been (Cassadaga (2007)) but it is very obvious that Oberst is maturing. Now, I don't necessarily feel he is growing in the right direction, but if you've noticed, he has found the type of music he wants to make and he is making some solid albums in that vein. He has no variation anymore, his voice, though still shaky, just doesn't have that "sitting-on-the-edge-of-your-seat" urgency about it. And I feel he has given up lyrically. This record lies flat for a majority of a listen. I used to be able to listen to him and feel something, I mean, I still feel something, but it's more of an urge to vomit rather than drink booze and cry about girls. I guess it's not really that bad, but I was really anticipating this one, as I was with Cassadaga. I would hesitate before you pre-order this one on i Tunes.
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