Thursday, April 3, 2008

Congrats on the Face, Bro!

It's no surprise that the entire world of skateboarding has turned its back on Ryan Sheckler. And after laying my little peepers on this [insert interchangeable acne cream company name] commercial, I couldn't help but wish the little fella would, you know, suck a tail pipe. This little shit would sell out any of his fellow skateboarders, and the entire sport (me and Riley argue over whether or not its a sport, so for now let's call it good old fashioned fun) for fame; and now, finally, he has actually sold his dignity so he could make a few bucks. Well, he does join the illustrious crew whom already mindlessly endorse this product: Jessica Simpson and P. Diddy (bad boys for life). Let us take a moment of silence and mourn for this lost soul... He states, "I was wearing tights pants, small t-shirts, long hair...", well, congratulations man, now you're a tool.

1 comment:

Andy J Scott said...

sk8 or die
hes just preserving his sexy and moisturizing his situation