I believe this guy is faking what his voice sounds like but don't hold that against him. Listen to the first song when he says, "an address that you know...she heard it on cassette. The first song is average. I saw these shitheads in concert and they didn't even play the song "we've got our tracks covered/thanks to your older brother". "In A Cave" has a catchy little thing it does "all my hair grows in/ wrinkles leave my skin" you'll hear it. This is up there with their better songs. The next one sucks. "Juno" is about that the movie i think, trying to grab some of that money.(kind of dates the song, guys) I think "Tessellate" is going to be the new single, it blows dick too. "The Harrowing..." something sounds different, maybe try out that one if you want to hear something sound different by them. The rest all sounds the same. This sounds like something Pitchfork would like though.(Edit - Nope)
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